“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” ~Brian Tracy

Take 100 deep breaths, counting “and one,” “and two,” and so on, with “and” on the inhalations and the numbers on the exhalations.
Write down everything that’s weighing you down mentally and then burn it.
Write down everything you’ve learned from a difficult experience so you can see it as something useful and empowering instead of something to stress you out.
Apologize for a mistake instead of rehashing it, and then choose to forgive yourself.
Engage in a little art therapy; grab some crayons, markers, or paint and put all your feelings on the page.
Write a blog post about what gives you peace of mind. (This has been a calming experience for me!)
Get up and dance to your favorite song, focusing solely on the music and the movement. Get into your body and get out of your head!
Take five to ten minutes for stretching, syncing your breath with the movements.
Set aside some time to actively enjoy the good things about the present instead of scheming to create a better future.
Focus on what you appreciate about the people in your life instead of wishing they would change.
Connect with someone online who can relate to what you’re going through and create a mutually supportive relationship by sharing and listening.
Do something kind for someone else without expecting anything in return. If they ask what they can do for you, tell them to pay it forward.
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
Wayne Dyer.
Wayne Dyer.
If you have any suggestions let me know...