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To make a change in our behavior means we’re adding something, or subtracting something, and we have to figure out what that is.
                            Image result for habits
Specific resolutions for change are the most likely to succeed. “Be happier” may sound nice, but it’s not a resolution. The research shows the best way to make a resolution, stick with it, and change is a system called SMART: The resolution needs to be:
There’s a Reward for sticking to it
And progress is Trackable.
To behavior change to get into a community, so people don't have to go for it alone. And to break things into small steps. every time you break something in a small step to accomplish, it boosts your confidence level.
Make sure that you are trying to change is something you really want to change.
Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.
—Jim Rohn
The best way to improve your self-control is to see how and why you lose control.
—Kelly McGonigal

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