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Useful for your Life and Career!

The thoughts that you get between the time ‘going to bed’ and ‘going to sleep’ are the ones which are true to be taken seriously and they come from bottom of your heart. These thoughts are the strongest emotions which can drive your life.

Our mind unconditionally thinks about the things which are told not to think about.(for example, Don’t think of a white dog in black dress)(from next time, go to your crush and say “Don’t think about me until tomorrow”…she will definitely think about you :p

People criticize you in two situations: one, when they feel inferior to you without realizing that they do, and two when they cannot accept the first one.

Everybody has a different set of wrongs and rights. Respect and accept it. Don't try to prove it otherwise.

We learn to value our parents and family more after a tragic break-up. Before that, we're just assholes thinking of infatuation as 'true love' and then end up being screwed.

Never compromise on your self-respect and dream career. These two never leave or ditch you. But people do.

Sex has loads of health benefits, it makes you feel better by releasing the endorphins. Also, it throws all the stress away from your mind. 30 minutes of bedroom session can burn up to 100 calories. Thus, ultimately making your next day and every night easier and healthier.

According to some research, seven to nine hours of good night sleep will make your brain sharp, keep your body healthy and make you very active throughout the day.

Our normal working hours vary from 6–9 hours a day. Sitting for 6–9 hours a day on your chair puts pressure at the base of your spine which causes some serious long-term health issues such as herniated disk and chronic back pain. This can be avoided if you can switch to a standing desk at the office.

This is a very important point that will make your life very very easier if you make this a habit. I mention this point in most of my answers. Breakfast boosts your metabolism which ultimately results in burning calories throughout the day. Eating breakfast will boost you throughout the day, making you energetic, sharp and confident at your working hours.

Every single human in this world has heard once in their life that you should drink 8 glasses of water every single day. But, every single human does not follow the same. You should double your water intake. This is because water has loads of health benefits such as
  • It glows your skin
  • Makes your hair shinier
  • It boosts your energy level
  • It also relieves fatigue
  • Also helps in weight loss
  • Improves your digestion
  • It throws out toxic substances from your blood
  • It also helps if you often suffer from headaches and migraine
  • It improves your mood and keeps you fresh throughout the day
  • Drinking enough water also removes your bad breath
  • Drinking eight glasses of water a day also regulates your body temperature
  • The most important thing - it keeps you alive

Notice people while they are walking, if the style of their walk is stylish/inappropriate and arrogant or they're moving their hips much that means they are rule breakers who don't care about any rules and don’t care about what people think about them.

If a person you are talking with scratches his/her nose more often while you are having a conversation that means they are a little nervous and somewhere they are thinking - “ what people/you are thinking about my look or how am I looking right now?”

If a person is using his/her hand's gestures much while talking, that's the sign which indicates that they are telling the truth and 100% confident about their facts.

If you wanna know who is staring at you than fake a yawn and look around your self, if anyone is yawning too that means they were staring at you.
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Girls who like to use pink or red shades of lipstick much that means they like to be free and open minded and love having an adventure every time but on the other hand girls who like dark brown lip shades a lot that means they are placid, sober and a serious kind of a girl.

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