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Must Learn in life !

Career and a good education is everything. Nothing can substitute it.

The money will never leave you, people will. Money is the ultimate need.

Even a little compromise with your work would affect your reputation.

Stop laying on the bed every now and then. Only use bed when you want to sleep.

Stop using your phone as an Alarm clock and if you can, keep your phone in the other room while sleeping. This way your phone won’t be the first thing you check in the morning and you are actually taking the temptation away. Try it, you will sleep much better and feel amazing in the morning.

Never stop dreaming and keep on setting goals. You must have heard the phrase “Never Settle” a number of times in life and there’s a reason for that. When you work towards something, towards a specific goal, then you’ll automatically be motivated to do other stuff. That energy, that feeling of seeing something in front of you and then working towards it is amazing.

Never forget to enjoy life every chance you get. Realize that one day, not today, not tomorrow, but one day in distant future, probably in a galaxy far far away, you are going to die and everything will be for nothing. So work on yourself but make sure to enjoy everything you pick to do in life.

If you tell your problem to mature people, they will try their best to help you without expecting anything back from you.

Late night chats with opposite gender will ultimately hurt you.

Love and sex are totally opposite. Never interrelate them.

If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer just wait and stay silent, they will usually continue talking.

Our brain automatically associates smiling with happiness If we force to smile, our brain will assume we are happy.

Intelligent people are more likely to avoid conflicts, which explains why some people notice everything but choose to say nothing.

People who easily get distracted are more creative and tend to have higher IQ.

People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others. Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices than those who reported higher results.

Behavior affects morality. People who lied betrayed someone or committed other immoral acts to begin to perceive what is good or bad in another way.

Boredom has a bright side. Bored people are often looking for ways to do good things as the entertainment bores them and does not bring meaning to their lives.

Depression is the result of over thinking. The mind creates problems that didn’t even exist.

Mature people never argue for the sake of argument, they speak of their opinion where it matters.

"You think you look strong because you can hold on,
but strength lies in letting go."

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