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Lessons learnt in 2018 !

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  1. You got a degree in BTech, BSc, MBA? Good. Put your step in the real world and you’ll see that you have to start learning from level zero.
  2. Be on time. Greet everyone. Say “Hi, good morning” with a sweet smile to your colleagues.
  3. If she wanna go, let her go. She will leave anyway. It’s always better to have some dignity.
  4. Call. Text. Be in touch. You may not need your friends always. But maybe they need someone. Be someone who stays in touch for no reason. Just as a friend.
  5. Your health is the most significant power in the world - not your partner, not your parents - not your society, job, education - nothing. It may sound harsh at first, but it is the reality.
  6. Being a girl you have a great power than men. So don't misuse it by making false rape allegations and molestation case on an innocent person.
  7. Have guts to reject the love proposals and bring awareness in that fools eye who proposes you. Make him understand what is life and how money and career play a dominant role in life?
  8. Don’t wear a deep neck dress to get the attention of boys.
  9. The nicer you are, the less valuable you become

    Be nice” — how many times have you heard this? All I can say is that this is a complete piece of sh*t advice and possibly the worst thing you can do to yourself. Now, I am not telling you to be an arrogant bastard (though you CAN be if you have achieved that much in life), but by ALL MEANS, do NOT go around devoting other people your time.
    10. This year I managed to step out of my comfort zone and make few friends and I'm going to work hard toward making them stay in my life, you've got to talk. Yes, it is always good to have a lot of followers, but it is even better to have a few friends, I choose to work toward making a few, and I'm glad I did.
    11. Be proud of yourself and your little achievements, no one is going to love you more than yourself. Celebrate your accomplishments, take some time off, pamper yourself.

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