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Why I left the job ?

As a student, the first priority must be academic studies. but if you are working on a small scale along with the studies in the starting it is always a good choice. So, by keeping that in mind I thought to look for a job which can pay me some money for my general expenses. I uploaded my resume on online job searching websites. The same day I got one response from a company asking me to schedule the interview. I went for the interview and after some aptitude tests and discussion, I got hired in that company. I was really excited and happy. the office place was amazing and beautiful to spend some quality time.

Here comes the turning point of my excitement. the place where the office was located was quite far from the place where I am living. On the very first day, I worked really well and thought it is quite easy and manageable. But, it was difficult than it seemed.

So, I thought to quit the job and do something else instead.
well, this is just a peek of the full story.

I hope I am clear enough to make you understand the reason for not being able to work every day.

Thank you!

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