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Well-becoming thoughts.

Alexander Graham Bell said this aptly: "When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."

Let us NOT waste our time for the closed doors.
Let us experience a new exciting world through the door that the destiny has kept open for us.

We keep telling ourselves a lie that a particular change would be impossible to get used to and we won’t be able to adjust to it, but we do.
So stop listening to those lies and start believing that no change is big enough for you. That you will learn to survive.

Love is like the weather. It fluctuates, it changes, day to day, minute to minute. Some days, you’ll be skipping on rainbows. Other days you’ll want to dunk their head in the mud.

Happiness and Love Aren’t the Same They are friendly neighbors, they cross paths frequently but they are quite different.
Love has strings attached Don’t let song lyrics or your friends tell you different. It involves doing things you don’t want to do, looking out for and putting up with people you care about.
Boys are never just boys. They are everything, they are the world, the reason for her pain, for her tears.
Humans are a social species. We need support. We need love. We need someone to listen to us. We also need people to help us reach our potential. In trying to do life alone, negative outcomes are imminent.
you may not think of yourself as a (good) writer, but the simple act of articulating your thoughts is powerful. The world’s most prominent writers all started as shoddy at best. Building the ability to write and speak are two timeless skills that will continue to serve those who hone their craft.
I’ve read plenty of research that acknowledges the positive power of practicing gratitude regularly. When we’re able to identify a few people, experiences or things that make life worth living, our happiness increases and the depression/anxiety we might experience tends to dwindle.
At the age between 28 to 30, for sure you gonna regret that you could have done so many things in your 20–25s. So make use of each and every day.

Thank you!

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