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Unsaid rules about life.

You can’t have a friendship with someone who is exactly like you. Your friends must complete you in some respect so that you feel more fulfilled because of him. He must be able to guide you on the right path and even criticize you when you are wrong.

There is an element of love in friendship. You must be emotionally attached to a person to become his true friend. The mention of his mere name by someone must bring a smile to your lips. Friendship is thus a matter of chemistry as well. You can’t click with everyone.

 You won't remember the SGPA of a semester, you will remember the times you spent with your friends. Make sure they are worth reviving.

Be nice to everyone. People will remember every slight, even 20 years after graduation. It’ll make your reunions a whole lot less awkward if you have nothing to apologize for.

Weddings aren’t about the groom and the bride…they’re just the excuse for the big, fat, extended family reunion.

Offer anyone that comes to your residence water and maybe, a snack. Even the mailman!

You can hang out as much as you like with friends, but if you fail to let your mom know that you won’t be home for lunch/ dinner, you’re in deep trouble.

If there’s an erotic scene in a movie you are watching with the family, the channel will change automatically and a 2 min awkward silence will be observed.

The fact that you don’t wake up early in the morning is the reason for everything that is wrong with your life.

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Leave footwear outside the house. Never walk inside the house with the same footwear you wear on the streets.

Parents in India believe in relative grading- they compare your poor grades with the neighbor’s child’s grades. AND the neighbor’s child is ALWAYS better at studies than you!!

Take your health seriously. Stop eating junk food. Exercise. Quit the soft drinks. Go easy on sugary stuff. Quit alcohol, quit smoking. Each day that you hit snooze rather than waking up, you take a step backward. It’s much easier to be fit when you are younger, it takes much more effort as you age.

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