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Perceive these things.

Keep in mind that you might not want to study the time you've written in your timetable. So, the best thing is to not make a timetable. Instead, write the things you want to complete on that day(importance-wise) and also write approx no. Of hours to be given. Try this. Works wonder. You will not get disheartened like before for not doing things as per your timetable.

No matter, how good you were so far. No matter, what percentage you have scored so far. If there’s a piece of bad luck, you would be screwed. The guy/girl who was never as good as you would do better in life because of the good luck and you would feel envious every fucking day and every fucking night. You would blame people. You would get frustrated but wouldn't be able to do anything. The jealousy would be real and hard. Even, your closest friends will forget you. Your dwindling career and social life would take a toll and soon, you would disappear for everyone. Harsh but true.

Life is fragile. The fragility of life defines the vicious circle of our lifespan. Don't show off. Be humble. Be good to people. Never hold grudges. So far, I have lost parents of my two close friends who were a gem like a person but the truth is when someone has to go, he/she will depart no matter what. Live your life to the fullest because you never know, you would sleep today and never get up tomorrow.

Slowly, everything would be taken for granted and one person will definitely dump you because she/he just discovered peace in someone's violence by just spending one night at someone’s flat.

Avoid negative people in your life at any cost.

Don’t get yourself the attitude of “my vagina my rules” you have nothing to do with it, proud of things who achieved.

Never set the name of your lover as passwords. Seriously, it becomes too difficult to change all the passwords after a breakup. And you keep on remembering your old password again and again.

Never get impressed by anyone. Because if you want to impress others, don't get impressed.

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