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Good habits to get into.

Learn from your every tiny mistake. If it doesn’t seem right once, then remember, it’s always wrong.

There is a very thin line between selflessness and losing self-esteem. Be brave & clever enough to understand the difference between the two.

Take a walk, run, pet a stray, cook a dish for yourself; burn it, cook it again but never ever stop trying.

Focus on YOURSELF.
Date around, experiment, have casual flings.
But don’t get so serious and for the love of God don’t get married. (in 2os)
You’ll learn what you want and don’t want in a relationship from these experiences.
When you call someone two times in a row and they’re not picking up, stop blowing their phone. Respect yourself.

Make sure not to invade someone else's personal space. Keep a few feet while talking.

Mind your own business unless anything involves you directly — just stay out of it.

When contributing to buy food or drinks with friends, and you don't have money, ask one of them to loan you so that you can contribute.

Don't be the loudest in a crowd. Weigh the pitch in everyone’s tone and keep it around there.
                      Image result for habits 

Don’t kiss someone if you have bad breath.

Learn to live memories because life is about letting go everything you love with peace and acceptance.

Hobbies may not fetch you money, but they fetch immense satisfaction. Practice them in routine for general happiness.

Don't seek happiness from pleasure, seek happiness from simple routine activities.

Assume failures in advance, plan to learn from them, if success comes, plan to sustain it.

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