well, to get extreme happiness, for me if I do something useful for others I get extreme happiness. I love helping others if I am capable of doing so. And whenever I achieve my targeted goals, I feel comfortable and confident in my own skin.
If you are doing something for other people and it is not just helping with financially, it could be in any way. you will feel the happiness and you will rejoice it.
Starting from the small, set a small target for the day and work towards it to achieve the goal and at the end of the day if you have achieved it you will feel really happy and you will feel proud of yourself.
Try to be honest with yourself and work towards your goal. Do what is necessary and ignore all which are draining your energy and wasting your time every day. you will automatically feel happy and you will spend your energy on useful and valuable things or people.
Thank you!
If you have any suggestions let me know...