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Inner Peace...

“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
Wayne Dyer
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I think this above quote explains everything you need to have inner peace. and I totally agree with that because, if you force things to happen somewhere, it makes us do overthink and then we expect a lot when we put more efforts than needed. and if we don't get things as expected, we get depressed or we forget about inner peace.
If we want true happiness or inner peace then we should have fewer expectations. and we must let things go which are not in our control.
our life is full of chaos and senseless noise around us. which don't even matter in our real life if we take some time and think about it. so, If your life is overfilled you may need to set some limits. So stop doing some of the least important things, the things that honestly don’t matter that much. Set a limit for how many times you will check inboxes, Instagram, Twitter etc. per day. And say no if you really don’t have the time.
Read a novel, watch your favorite TV-show or a movie. It’s simple but it works well to just release pressure and relax.
This can create a lot of unnecessary stress. When facing what looks like a mountain ask yourself questions like: Does someone on the planet have it worse than me right now? Will this matter in 5 years? These questions help you to zoom out and realize that things may not be that bad and that you can handle them.
Be simple and live happier. Fewer expectations less stress.
Thank you!

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