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How to stop OverThinking

Here are a few things you can do that may be able to help you to stop overanalyzing everything.
  • Put Things Into A Wider Perspective- If you can ask yourself ‘Will this matter in 5 or 10 years time?’ or ‘Is this going to affect me in the long term?’, you may be able to stop overthinking.
  • Realize That You Can’t Control Everything- When people over think, it is usually a way that they can control things, such as their thoughts and feelings. However, some things happen that are out of our control and that is OK.
  • Distract Yourself- Sometimes all you need is a good distraction that can help you to stop over analyzing. If there is a certain situation that you seem to be thinking about a lot, try to distract yourself by doing something that you love.
  • Write Out Your Thoughts- Being able to write down your thoughts is a great way to become more self-aware and see how you are feeling.
  • Don’t assume- Don’t act on hunches, act on facts.
  • Stop rationalizing, justifying and explaining- what you’re not doing. Try honesty, it’s quite effective. And liberating.
  • Be more proactive; do stuff!- Get out of the theory and into the practical. Now! Do at least one thing each day every day that will get you closer to where you want to be. Even if it scares you. Especially if it scares you. To steal someone else’s book title, “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway.”
  • when a person says something you should realize that he or she has no ulterior motive, there is nothing more to the story and maybe you should leave it at that!
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