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A Balanced Life!

Spiritual emerging comes down to self-awareness and mindfulness. With this increasing awareness, we're able to shift beyond self-actualization into the kingdom of self-transcendence. Spirituality involves the acknowledgement of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

Spiritual people have positive relationships, high self-esteem, are optimistic, and have meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual beliefs include the relationship to a superior being and are related to an existential perception on life, death, and the nature of reality.

When our mind, body and our soul are not balanced, there can never be in agreement with each other and so we are not able to function properly. This state of mind urges you to look for happiness for the soul but not for the body. That’s how you start taking simple steps towards spirituality.

You can try these habits to be more peaceful and have balanced life:

  •   Take time for yourself. Read inspirational literature.
  •     Doing mindful meditation or practice mindfulness.
  •       Enjoy nature
  •         Be kind and help people
  •           Practice yoga

By practicing these habits in life, I have started to see things and people as they are without being judgmental about their personality or behavior and this gives me so much of hope and a peaceful mind.

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