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Ways to be Productive:

You can change more than you think in a few months' time, if you have clear vision, precise strategy and the true wish to build a different life. When most people try to be more productive, they focus on how they can complete more tasks in a day without assessing whether or not those tasks are really worthy of so much time and energy.

Instead of making the goal what you can finish in a day, put your consideration toward what you can work onThe reality is that tasks that can be completed in a single day are often small or managerial. That is to say: they are necessary, but they aren't going to move your life forward in any noteworthy way, and most importantly, they shouldn't be the standard to which you are measuring your constructiveness. 

The reason so many people get stuck on trying to achieve more and more of those small, daily tasks is that they lack a grand, long-term vision for what their life should be. This happens because people try to be too precise on what they want to achieve, rather than basing their life vision on values, feelings and "big picture" items. The first, most important thing you need to do in order to change your life and move forward is sit down and write out an ultimate vision for your life.

Instead of beating yourself up for where you are right now, use your past mistakes as a sort of standard for what not to do. One of the primaries needs that people require to thrive is a space that is their own. This can be a desk, a bedroom, or home. The point is that you need to take ownership of some space, and work on making it somewhere you not only love to be, but somewhere that inspires you to be exactly the person you want to become. Expect this, and embrace it. Be open to seeing your life unfold in ways that are greater than you can comprehend of in the moment.

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