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Be in a daily routine!

Choose what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? Arranging what is significant to you before starting is the key!

Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals. While a big goal is thrilling to tackle, it is what often leads to failure as we take on too much. If your overall goal is to eat improved meals, start by changing one thing a day, every day, to build confidence. When you achieve that, congratulate yourself! 

Be consistent with time. If you want to get a daily walk in, attempt it at the same time every day. Completing your tasks first thing in the morning before losing motivation allows you to enjoy supports all day. 

Be equipped. When deciding upon a new routine, make sure you have all the pieces before you start; this will make it easier to get started without any delay.

Keep a track of your progress. Create a visual calendar that you can cross off each day that you have completed the task.

Reward yourself. Once you have fallen into a routine on a consistent basis, reward yourself with something which you always wanted to have or to do.

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