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Habit you must remove to become the best version of yourself...

I always had this one habit of talking ill about myself and feeling if I am the worst person on this planet who deserves all the pain and sufferings. This kind of behavior and daily habit ruins our creativity and chances of growth in ourselves.

As a grew in society and met with people who had gone through the toughest phase and faced so many things still, they believed in themselves and kept improving day by day. 


I used to read about others struggles and sufferings and then one day I came to realize that I am not the one who has or had faced and been through those phases of life where I was totally lost in dilemma and not seeing the way to come over and get out of the situation.

To be precise only one habit I kept on being with and that is reading and a lot of reading like I used to read all the time the whole day till my eyes hurt, I read.

And it has all the impeccable impacts on my life, my behavior towards others, my attitude towards my life, my mind and heart have totally transformed from being a victim of my own thoughts to owning and being with that and taking all in positive way to heal myself is an amazing feeling in itself.

Avoid the victim mindset and talking negatively to self, because how you see yourself is the first thing that creates the whole difference in life, be it for any purpose, always keep yourself on the top of the list and never blame others for anything that makes you feel miserable cause, if you do indirectly, you’re creating anarchy in your life.

I hope this helps

Have a great day! keep reading…



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