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What are the best habits to develop and grow in life?

These are the following habits we all must have in our day-to-day life to work on a regular basis to be the most productive person and also helps to improve in our daily life. 

Alright, you must at least try to rise and shine with the sun every morning, but waking up at a decent morning hour is essential and a lot beneficial for optimal health.

Staying hydrated is really important for our health and although we’ve heard it many times, it’s often overlooked and not taken on priority. Our bodies are 60% water and not drinking enough water can lead to more than just dehydration and effects our moods and mind swings.

Humans are designed to move and work physically more but as we create more sedentary lifestyles we are moving less and less. Many of us work sitting down, travel sitting down, and relax sitting down, so it is becoming more and more important that we create ways to move since they are no longer occurring organically.

Getting fresh air and being with nature on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways to improve our mental and physical health. Exposure to the sun enables the body to produce vitamin D, which has been shown to have many essential functions in the body.

Walking is one of the most underrated healthy habits you can have in day-to-day life. Walking is often overlooked because it’s so simple or it “doesn’t burn that many calories” but science shows that putting one foot in front of the other can lead to some amazing mental and physical health benefits.

Putting away your phone (tablet or computer) might seem like a simple challenge, but being connected 24/7 can have many negative side effects on our health. I have felt so terribly stuck when I spend much time with the devices and working online makes me stick with the computer and mobile phone. I always try to stay away from everything whenever I am free and not indulging in social media trap.

Reading has benefits to both your physical and mental health and those benefits can last a lifetime. Not only can reading stimulate growth, but it can help to reduce stress, gives one vast exposure to the broad life of self and others as well, prevent age-related cognitive decline and promote a good night’s sleep.

You can maximize productivity by investing most of your time and energy on those specific tasks that will create the biggest impact. Once you've finished those tasks, you can focus on other activities that are on your to-do list. Having a long list of tasks can make you less productive and more complicated in daily life.

What you can do is make a list of things you need to accomplish in a day. Start with what’s most important and make your way down the list, completing one task at a time. This will make things easier to analyze and work on regularly.

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