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How did I start my journey on Quora, and how is it going?

If I begin with, how I came to know about Quora and when did I start writing on this platform, the journey starts in -march 2016 (also mentioned in my Quora profile). I was looking for something on google and the searched results popped up from Quora on top, I clicked on one of the results from top and got onto the platform, it was totally new for me and for the world of a reader, that time I was writing but nowhere but, in my diary, as it was the safest place to pour my heart out. 

So, I read the content on Quora which I looked for and found out to be very useful and precise, I searched for more and got more relevant answers and really useful data shared by experts and experienced writers which were genuine and made easy to understand things through their writings.

Through scrolling on Quora, read so many answers one by one got hooked with the quality contents. I made a Quora account then and started reading through so many answers with different experiences of others, which I found more engaging and interesting rather than scrolling through social media’s dummy posts.

I kept on reading for 2 long years by then I did not have any idea about how to write on any platform like Quora, so I continued reading. After reading about a few experiences of others who had just started writing and saw a huge difference and improvement in their writing skill I also thought to write and share my life experience with other readers.

And now when I compare myself with the answers, I have written 2 years back and today, it’s a lot different and more precise according to the questions being asked directly. It feels amazing to see and be a witness of my own improvements.

It takes a lot of courage and determination to work on self and see the changes year by year and through several ups and downs. I still read a lot and spend much time on Quora and also have started writing at least one answer every day. Only the difference I find now is the quality of answers have been dropped and now what I see is so many memes and tweets are floating on my feeds which I think is irrelevant for me so I just ignore them and read what has the actual things to share and express.

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