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When is your most effective time of the day?

Checkout this amazing Book: Psychology.

Every day of my life throws a new task and a new challenge for me to tackle and work on, I am a late person at times in the morning it’s hard to wake up at 6am or before that. I sleep late because when I am working on something important or even when I am writing an article or a piece of a story that time the silence and environment of nighttime are beneficial for me.

While I enjoy being alone when I am working on a project, I am able to put all my efforts and focus on one thing which comes out to be in the best place when I have given all to it. So I always prefer night time for me to work and also read because my mind is stable mostly at night out of all chaos and crowd of the external world I am away in my own self zone where only I am existing with working or doing a particular activity while utilizing the best possible source. 

The second most effective time of the day is the afternoon for me, after lunch taking a nap and then getting back to the work plays a great role in getting most of the tasks done without having much stress. A short nap gives the mind and body rest to charge up for the moment and then I am able to utilize my energy in a more suitable way.


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