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What are 3 questions you can ask yourself every day to improve your life?

 1. Why am I here?

Whenever I am stuck while doing something big, I ask this question. By asking this I get the clarity about the purpose and the steps I am taking everyday to reach where I am heading. This question reminds me that I have limited time here and so I do not waste it in something which have no value in real life. 

2. What are important things in life?

By asking this question all the distractions and confusions fade away from mind and then my mind is clear about what I have to do and what not to do. If we only focus on what is necessary and what is required to be done in every day’s life, we are sorted with things and then we are able to work and grow rapidly.

3. How and what can I contribute for the betterment of the people?

This question has always played a big role in the process of learning and growing because without knowledge and growth you can not be able to help or support others so if you have this question in your mind then you have to learn and grow everyday no matter whatever the condition and environment you are in keep growing with knowledge or skill or abilities to handle situations, people and things.

Different people can have different approach and thinking towards all these questions so give some time to yourself and ask, and once you start getting answers life becomes easier and stress free to live and help others.

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