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What motivates you every morning to wake up and learn?

Every hour of my life is passing by and I am thinking about how and where I could utilize and make the products or services out of it.

We all very well know that we have limited and unpredictable time limit here to do something of our own, but to fit in the society and to survive in life we work for someone else and give our peace and happiness to them for their benefit and then we get a little chunk from the sea of money because the time and energy we have given to the organization or the people we are working for have made them what they are today. 

Reference: Habits

I do not know what I will be doing in a coming couple of years but I am sure I have to lead a different life than what society needs because I know I have a purpose to be alive for, in fact, everyone has it but they compromise and work till their death to impress and get validations from people, which I could never do in my entire life…

This life is given by God (This is what I believe in), for a specific reason and I am going to find that out and live that my whole life so I don’t have any regrets instead I could say ‘yes’ I lived fully and totally in the moments, at the time of closing my eyes like forever to never see this place again or maybe I could be here even after beyond what we call is ‘death the only truth’, who knows?

Every morning I wake up to explore and learn about life, people, the mind, and the universe which sounds flabbergasting but it is absolutely 100 percent true. I do not see anything else even if I want to, I end up reading or watching videos of some great people from history, who have done great contributions to the world and to humanity as a whole, if this is not the right indication for me to go where I am talking about then I do not know what else could be the sign that I am going to lead an astounding life.

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