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Is this one of your bad habits? Let's find out.

Here I guess you are asking about just one habit, if this is the case, I will share about one of my habits that makes me worried and feel bad at the same time. I will directly come to the point without any story in this answer. 

so, the one habit which makes me feel bad is the habit of thinking a lot about something, though at times it helps me a lot, there is a saying and I found it to be true sometimes the saying is that there are two sides to a coin means where there is an advantage, there is a disadvantage.

I must tell you one thing, when you are thinking about something and if you are not taking the right action at the right time then that thinking will turn into an overthinking loop and that would be the worst thing to have for your brain. now the question comes, what I do when I find myself going into that overthinking loop? The answer is I pause myself for a while and give space to my brain. because the brain and your body both need some space and no activity time. by doing this it will definitely give you an idea or solution for sure, most of the time it has helped me after a break. every system on this planet needs a restart or some shutdown time.

One more thing I would like to add here is being in hurry drains your energy unnecessarily. so, allow yourself some time and think practically rather than being stressed or creating anxiety for the brain. without a solution there is no problem on the earth, if there is an issue there must be a solution for that particular issue, perhaps it might take some time or some more time but it has to be there. I have always believed in working rather than thinking and some more thinking. eventually, your habit is completely dependent on you and your mindset.

I hope you have found something useful here. Stay engaged, stay healthy!

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