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Good old days

Getting up early in the morning is one of the values which most people are losing very fast all over the world. Waking up early in the morning brings a new and energetic vibe to us. 

The new generations have their own reasoning for getting up late at night. I, however, feel that getting up early is truly divine. Only when you can get up early can you go for a morning walk in the fresh air and start your day with a healthy activity. You feel cheerful throughout the day once you start early. 

The bitter truth of this generation is they do not care about anything except fame, money, and followers on all social media, but they do not know that these things have no value for those who truly understand the value of life and time. 

We are capturing moments that we haven't experienced. We are smiling but only for selfies. We are talking but don't know if anyone is listening. 

We are living in a world of illusion, devoid of emotions. 

Yes, I miss the good old values of speaking our heart out, listening to our stories, sharing our problems, respecting each other's presence, cherishing joyful moments and feeling of togetherness. 

Time has changed but somewhere we all wish we could go back and live our childhood again. Celebrate our small wins and cherish the moment which we are not supposed to live again.  


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