Practice. Learn what “doing it right” would look like, and practice. It’s hard, but like most things we practice, it gets easier. Practice also allows for mistakes - we get it wrong and resolve to go back to step one.
As you become expert and strong in some of the most important aspects of your life, you will be able to use that expertise in solving other small problems of your life without any difficulty and diversion.
Most women are attracted to men who possess a strong sense of humor. Generally, a strong sense of humor is associated with intelligence and honesty.
Mindfulness - the ability to be present at the moment. To see every thought and feeling as they arise and settle.
Do you feel attractive? — because it all comes down to how attractive you feel.
You will act differently when you feel good about yourself.
Those people who continuously upload their pictures on social media are attention-seekers, and social media addicts and most of them are not good people as a person. Don't be infatuated with them.
If you plant an orange seed, you won’t get an apple. If your standards are to just get by, you won’t get rich. Have high standards.
If you have any suggestions let me know...