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Things that make you happy and feel good!

Read a Book: Pick a book you like, whether it's a story or a helpful book.

Learn Something New: Try a new hobby or skill, like playing an instrument or cooking.

Exercise: Move your body by walking, jogging, doing yoga, or trying a workout.

Listen to Podcasts or Audiobooks: Enjoy interesting talks or stories while you relax.

Explore Nature: Spend time outside in a park or on a walk in your neighbourhood.

Write: Start a diary, write stories, or try making up poems.

Meditation and Mindfulness: Relax your mind with meditation or mindful breathing.

Watch Documentaries or Educational Videos: Learn new things by watching documentaries or educational videos.

Connect with Friends and Family: Spend time with the people you care about, either in person or through video calls.

Volunteer: Help out in your community by giving your time and skills.

The goal is to do things that make you happy and feel good!

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