When we are continually answering to changes in our situation, we need motivation to take remedial action in the face of changing conditions.
Motivation is a vigorous resource that allows us to familiarize, function effectively, and maintain wellbeing in the face of a constantly changing stream of opportunities and intimidations. But unhealthy variations in motivation also explain addiction, gambling, risk-taking, and excessive internet usage, which directly or indirectly impacts our life and our behavior.
Human motives are multifaceted, and as social creatures, we are embedded into our environment, and social groups are often an important source of influence through the presence of rewards and deliberations of potential moments of our choices on those around us.
Inherent motivation is intrinsic in the activities we perform for pure enjoyment or satisfaction. We engage in intrinsically motivated behavior because we want to experience the activity for its own sake.
Intrinsic motivation can be driven by inquisitiveness, which is linked to a desire to know and motivates us to learn and explore our environment for answers.
Intrinsic activities are self-contained because performing them is a reward in itself and also makes us feel sustainable for a long time to achieve a long-term goal.
The modern research on motivation shows that intrinsic motivation that originates from internal motives is often experienced as more immediate and powerful then extrinsic motivation.
We can also be motivated by the evasion of guilt and by the need to build self-esteem, working on self is one of the top most priorities where we must be dedicated and honest so we do not have to regret for things which are important to have in life. This form of self-regulation of behavior is considered by low autonomy and a language of “I should” and “I have to.”
It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot
If you have any suggestions let me know...