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How extensively do I blog about my day-to-day life?

I got to know about blogger and blogging in 2015 and from then I have used it not regularly but for quite a long time. I like writing about things which I have witnessed and learned from various sources. I used to write everyday about my to-do list and works being done throughout the day. I have tried various platforms like Quora, Nblik, Blogger, your-quote etc. for writing articles, short stories, quotes, conclusions in different forms of writing.

I mostly spend my time on blogger. com I find it easy and comfortable to use and post whatever I feel like. Back then it has a simple and basic interface and very limited features for bloggers but now it has so many things and really interesting interface to offer for new comers who are passionate about writing and sharing with others.

Even now I try to maintain my daily writing habit on Quora and blogger so I could improve my writing skill and learn more from other writers, for this I spend my time reading others on Quora and LinkedIn.

For me I started my Blog in 2015 for just experiment purpose, to learn about writing and posting articles, and now It has turned out to be a good collection of articles and daily habits of mine and of other productive people as well.

I truly believe, we can’t know or experience things by ourselves by just listening from others or seeing from outside, until we put our time and energy in it. So, if I wish to know about something or someone, I have to be close enough to observe and be a full-time witness of them.

Writing is One of my good habits which I am following from past 5 years and still counting. I know I am not really good at expressing myself through words even though being in practice from quite a long time but I am trying everyday to improve and be clear about what I want to say.

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