What makes us such creative beings ?
There's a term that I really like called the adrenaline hack. And that's this idea that we have co-opted biolog…
There's a term that I really like called the adrenaline hack. And that's this idea that we have co-opted biolog…
One habit for life! I have this one habit of taking everything seriously, although I have started practicing since …
There's a fascinating organization called MAPS, Multi-disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. This is a n…
First thing we need to do is analyze our bad habits and the consequences of it. Then we got to make a list of our bad h…
These following factors have played a great role in having a better life than it used to be: 1. Positive thinking : Be…
Nobody has more than 24 hours in a day, but some people seem to always get much more done than others. How do they do i…
People keep changing their sentiments all the time because of the way their minds were built. Conflicting to common bel…
“ If you do not create change, change will create you.” ~Unknown You grow and learn new things every time something c…
Stop comparing. So, what if someone else is better at something than you are? You have a particular set of skills a…
Conferring to the dictionary, a habit is defined as “a settled tendency or usual manner of behaviour” or “a behaviour p…
Choose what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? Arranging what is signifi…
You can change more than you think in a few months' time, if you have clear vision, precise strategy and the true w…
Spiritual emerging comes down to self-awareness and mindfulness. With this increasing awareness, we're able to shif…
Healthy sleep is important for both physical and mental health. By getting at least required hours of sleep a night, …
Don’t use your astuteness to belittle others: In general, waving your intellect in other people’s faces shows that you…
At the end of the day, If I feel I have had an unproductive day, then I recall my whole day and make a list of things w…
Ø Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and arouse inventiveness. Ø "we can complain because rose b…
“Breathing is the number one and most operative technique for dipping anger and anxiety quickly”. Allow yourself to s…
These are some practical hacks, which I have tried and it worked to some extent: Going to do something that makes you…
I have started doing workouts everyday. I used to take any kind of exercise very lightly and thought it is a very long …
I have searched the web and compiled a round-up of 10 popular life hacks for you to use. Some are more useful than othe…
Reading habit is really useful and important to live a good life with the sense of understanding things in a better way…
There are many things in life we can’t control, everything from tiny rages to calamities. We can’t control what others…
You can’t become more industrious overnight. But if you make small variations and put some of these habits into place, …
Don't multitask- Studies have shown that multitasking is physically impossible. Sleep- Don't underestimate the…
These habits should be implemented to have a happy and stable life: Successful People Have confidence in in Themselves.…
Growing research reveals that deep-breathing exercises can actually activate neurons in your brain that tell your body …
The best thing about my life is the life itself. I have lived in rural and urban both the areas, and both are beautiful…
The capability to take risks by stepping outside your comfort zone is the key way by which we grow. But we are often sc…
Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and problem-solving. A strong base of knowledge helps brains function m…